Long review please read though
I bought a kilo of biohome mini ultra a while ago. Before adding my water parameters were
Ammonia low above 0 though strips would still colour green ish
Nitrite low above 0 though strips would still colour yellow
Nitrate 100
Stock 4 guppy 4 albino Cory 5 harlequin 4 tetra
On adding biohome within a couple of weeks nitrate reduced by half. And nitrite reduced as well. I wasn't sure if the biohome was having an effect of it the water was cycling and it would have reduced anyway...
However just recently the tank pretty much cracked and I lost all the water in the 22 litre tank. Lost just 1 tetra. Managed to keep some of the water to put into new tank... about 1 litre and I transferred the foams. But not the powerhead (Enclosed Sump system )
Having pretty much started again temp 10 l tank new filter and adding all the the fish into a 10l with brand new filter and some old foams
I pretty much expected ALL the fish to die as there was no cycled water. I just poured in COLD tap water tap safe and the biohome and about 50 of pond gurus bio gel balls
3 weeks on I bought a new 40l with 12 more fish.
6 guppy
6tetra and the previous stock
3 weeks on in new 40litre tank
ammonia nil
Nitrite nil
Nitrate 50
From the start using the 10 l I was testing every few days nitrate, ammonia, nitrite low ....
When I transferred to the 40 litre and bought more fish I thought there was something wrong with the test strips as nil ammonia and nil nitrate in the new 40 was unusual, I was expecting to see something !! I even bought a different brand test kit to make sure.
I am amazed at how biohome media has managed to cycle the tank in less then 3 weeks. And how many fish I could store in the 10l (11 fish about 25cm worth)
I personally think all aquarium tanks sold should include BIOHOME. There really is nothing better. Richard from pond guru is also very honest with his advice and only sells what he thinks you need.
I was going to buy a tube filter kit as my new aquarium doesn't have a sump so I just put the old biohome In water bottle with air line. PondGuru was honest and said no real need. Water parameters all good. Got to love the honest advice and excellent product.
Wing | Uk | October 2016